Let us take away the worry of damaged wood doors, elevator cab and lobby panels. Routine maintenance or Renovation construction- repairs are done onsite, in-place, and for a fraction of the cost to replace or refinish. Our proven system of onsite door touch up, repair and maintenance will leave your hardwood finished items looking fresh, clean and new again.
With PrettyGoodWood, you're only "5 STEPS TO A PERFECT DOOR".
Most Property Managers and building owners rely on continued routine maintenance programs to keep their properties looking nice. Let us show you how our 5 Step Process Preventative Maintenance Program can help keep your doors looking great, this quarter and forever.
Renovations or construction damage?Moved a lock location or hinge prep? One time "spruce up" or elevator vandalism? Having a trusted vendor to handle one off jobs is vital. Keeping tenants happy and owners impressed requires a team effort. Wood maintenance and door touch up is essential.
Justin Cohen
Andie Taylor
Sales and service inquires